Tuesday, 25 March 2008

A day at a desert mountain spring

Lots have things have made me happy since being back home in Jerusalem, but one specific moment stands out, so I thought I should write about it.

Last Saturday a few friends and me decided to head down to Kfar Adumim for some nature-style fun. When I got in the car I realised immediately that something was amiss...We were 4 girls. No boys! No one playing a bongo with one hand and a wooden flute with the other whilst changing the radio station, singing, smoking and driving. In fact, no one playing any instruments at all, and both the drivers hands were firmly on the wheel. This was a new one. Feeling safe in a car in Israel.

However the 100% Girl-Power thing wasn't to last, as the last stop on the pick-up route was the one lucky (or unlucky...) male that would be joining us that day. Big relief. We were about to start blow-drying our hair in the car, and talking about shoes and furniture! We needed to be stopped!

We arrived at our destination without incident, and my heart was even beating at a normal speed having not seen my life flash before my eyes on the road even once. As we parked the car I realised that, yet again, I had been unwillingly taken to the spot with the most hardcore hike involved to get to the (admittedly most beautiful) spring. It's always worth it, I know that, but it was Saturday morning, we'd had a late night on Friday, and I really couldn't be arsed.

But then... the most amazing thing happened. We realised something... we didn't HAVE TO DO THIS. We had more girls then boys! And that's when our fearless driver, and my new hero, spoke up... saying (rough translation) ... 'NO! We're GIRLS! We don't want to hike! I can't be bothered, WE'RE DRIVING DOWN!' Never have more glorious words been spoken. I didn't even know it was possible to drive down! So long had we been bullied by the boys to do all this physical exercise, we'd forgotten what it feels like to take the gloriously easy option! We all cheered as the car moved on, deep down into the valley, where we would only have to walk for about 20 minutes (instead of an hour) to get to our beautiful mountain spring.

And beautiful it was indeed... And so much more so knowing that when it was time to go, we didn't have an hour of uphill to get back to the car!

Down at the spring we kept up the girls day vibe... and I'm almost ashamed to admit we did some nail painting whilst out in nature! Sadly our poor male companion is probably now part female as a result of said day... but hey. We're always outnumbered so we got to have ours for once!

And that, my friends, is the story of the day the girls won!


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