The City I live in... The City of Angels...
My love affair with Jerusalem started about 6 years ago. It was on and off for a few years, every time I'd start to settle in with someone she'd pull me back. Remind me of what we shared. Eventually it became too strong to fight... So much so that a year and a half ago we finally decided to tie the knot.

The first year was a whirlwind... meeting eachother's friends, getting used to one another. Both of us showing off what we could do and enjoying eachother's company. I seldom thought of what I'd left to be with her.
In recent months though something seemed to have changed. I felt like she'd betrayed me. Just started giving me a really hard time, throwing me some crazy curve balls. When things got really bad I thought about suggesting that we take some time apart, I even thought of packing up and running back to the ex for a few weeks. But now, in the last couple of weeks, she's been apologising, trying to make it up to me. Doing little things that remind me why I wanted to be with her in the first place. Only time will tell, but I think she's worth staying with. It's looking like a little holiday is in order, bring on a little bit of absence making the heart grow fonder, but the bottom line is, looks like I'm staying with my lady.
Speaking of which, her people kindly allowed a Gay Pride March in their midsts yesterday, though it was more of a wander along half a kilometre of road than a march. That's one thing that the ex definitely did better. The Holy City enforced a ban on large signs, loudspeakers, harrassing haredim, and music... sometimes she's just so irrational it drives me nuts. Cancelled the party at the end too, despite the fact that it was the least antagonistic, most tasteful demonstration I've ever seen in my life.
Regardless, my City of Gold was in true show-off style with rainbows decorating her ancient stones.
Today, as though trying to shake this abomination off her skin, she blazed down on us at about 35 degrees, dry, red hot heat. The last few weeks she's been hinting at it, teasing, right on the edge of peaking. Today she sung out 'Summer Time', loud and deep and bluesy. I stupidly walked through her hills in the blazing midday sun for a few hours and now I have some pink skin to show for it. From within my apartment it was bearable until sundown. Walking home tonight at 2am... wind blowing, temperature down at a comfortable 25 degrees, sporting pants that oddly resemble a big loose nappy and a boob tube... it was proof that the summer I've been awaiting for 4 months has finally settled in to stay.
And now I must sleep, before she wakes me up at 6am with this attention seeking behaviour (Read: Predicted 39 degree heat), and I have to position myself on the kitchen floor covered in ice!!