Thursday, 25 October 2007

Living in the holy city... never ceases to amaze

So the boredom has finally subsided … I'm crazy busy at work at the moment – interviewing participants, sorting out who's going on what trip, helping people that have screwed up their registrations, etc etc. Must admit – it's a nice change from the nothingness mentioned below.

And now for something completely different – a random story:

Last night as I was walking into my building at 1am I came across two 16 year old boys, 'arsim' for those who know the term, both with eyebrow rings and stylish clothes, sitting on my front steps. There was a weird smell surrounding them, but then - I work next to a dairy and a horse-riding school, so I'm fairly immune to smells these days. As I approached them, however, I identified said smell as a vodka-vomit-combo. Lovely. When I passed them I realized that smell was being produced by the boy sitting down - my neighbour. The guy standing next to him was obviously the 'helper friend'. Holding his hair back if you will. I walked straight past.

As I walked into the door of the building I had a realization – those days are (thankfully) over for me. Vomitting on the front steps is gross and almost a little bit sad, not a reasonable end to a fun night out. I felt really grown up! So I decided to do the grown up thing, turned around and went back to talk to them. The conversation went something like this (but in Hebrew)

Me: 'Do you guys have water?'
Helper friend: 'what?!'
Me: 'Water. Do you have water? Do you want some?
Vomit boy: (forcefully) 'YOU want water'

Yes. Obviously I wanted water. Very mature. I turned around and went up to my apartment. I hope he woke up with a rotten hangover.

Pointless story I know, but I thought it was funny.
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